الرئيسية / الأخبار / أخبار 2014 / أخبار نيسان 2014 / زمالات دراسية على الدكتوراه في هندسة السكك الحديدية

زمالات دراسية على الدكتوراه في هندسة السكك الحديدية


اعلنت جامعة هدرسفيلد البريطانية عن توفير 6 زمالات دراسية على الدكتوراه في تخصص (هندسة السكك الحديدية) ضمن الهندسة الميكانيكية، حيث ان آخر موعد للتقديم هو نهاية الشهر الجاري (30/4/2014)، وان التقديم يكون من خلال الرابط الالكتروني للجامعة هو (www.hud.ac.uk/researchdegrees/howtoapply/applicationform/)، للمزيد من المعلومات يرجى الاطلاع على ادناه:


IIR PhD Programmes

Research group: Institute of Railway Research (IRR)

Project title: 6 Fully funded PhD programmes

Project description:

The IRR are pleased to offer 6 fully funded PhD programmes in the following areas:

– Rail vehicle – track interaction

– Railway system safety and risk

– Railway system engineering

The University of Huddersfield’s Institute of Railway Research (IRR) has an international reputation for carrying out research into the interaction between railway vehicles and the track. Our work helps the industry to run safer, more reliable and more cost effective railways.

The University has formed a strategic partnership with RSSB to conduct a multi-million pound research programme into engineering and safety risk modelling to support informed decision making and future risk prediction. In addition, the IRR has been awarded a major Regional Growth Fund grant which will support the development of a new Centre for Innovation in Rail. This facility includes a major state-of-the-art laboratory to support research activity and drive product R&D within the railway industry supply chain.

As a result of this investment, we are able to offer six fully funded PhD posts within the IRR. The PhDs will be in the areas of vehicle-track interaction or railway safety and risk prediction. Research themes will include modelling of vehicle-track system dynamics, wheel-rail interaction, component fatigue and prediction of wheel and rail damage and wear. Safety and risk research will focus on developments of the RSSB safety risk models and strengthening the interactions between railway engineering and safety risk modelling techniques.

The IRR is able to provide a supportive learning environment and regular access to supervisors who are specialists in their field. Our first class links to the industry provide access to data, industry knowledge and expert practitioners to support our programmes. The University provides a range of professional development courses for research student to help develop your skills.

A fee waiver and a tax free bursary of £13,865* will be available for each PhD.

* estimated for 2014/15

Deadline for applications: 30 April 2014

If you would like to discuss the opportunities for study at the IRR, please contact Prof. Simon Iwnicki on Tel:01484 473731 or E-mail:[email protected]

Applications should be made online at: www.hud.ac.uk/researchdegrees/howtoapply/applicationform/

Related website: Institute of Railway Research (IRR)

Academic Department: Department of Engineering and Technology: Mechanical and Automotive Engineering

Contact: Simon Iwnicki
 [email protected]
Tel: 01484 473731

اضف رد

لن يتم نشر البريد الإلكتروني . الحقول المطلوبة مشار لها بـ *
