الرئيسية / Youtube_Channel2 / Roundtable Meeting between Iraqi Minister Ali Al-Adeeb & British Universities (13/3/2014)

Roundtable Meeting between Iraqi Minister Ali Al-Adeeb & British Universities (13/3/2014)

Round Table Meeting between Iraqi Minister Ali Al-Adeeb and British Universities (13/3/2014).
The meeting took place at the UK International Higher Education Unit in London.
In addition to H.E. the Minister Al-Adeeb, the attendees from the Iraqi side where:
1. President of University of Basra
2. President of University of Mustanseriya (in Baghdad)
3. President of University of Diyala
4. President of University of Al-Qadisiya
5. Director of National Institute for Cancer Research

اضف رد

لن يتم نشر البريد الإلكتروني . الحقول المطلوبة مشار لها بـ *
