الرئيسية / الأخبار / أخبار 2012 / أخبار شباط 2012 / إختصاصات علمية حديثة في جامعة كلاسكو

إختصاصات علمية حديثة في جامعة كلاسكو

حرصا منا على تطوير التعليم العالي في العراق وإدخال تخصصات جديدة ونادرة عليه، نرفق طيا العديد من هذه التخصصات والتي زودتنا بها جامعة كلاسكو البريطانية خلال لقاءنا مع السيد مساعد رئيس الجامعة في الملحقية الثقافية، للاستفادة من هذه التخصصات الدقيقة كعناوين للدراسة عند التقديم للدراسات العليا.

أ. د. عبد الرزاق عبد الجليل العيسى

المستشار الثقافي – لندن

Area of interdisciplinary Studies

Biodiversity, Animal Health & Comparative Medicine

Physiological ecology
Life history strategies and development
Behavioural ecology
Marine and Freshwater biology
Community ecology and population dynamics
Applied ecology
Epidemiology and wildlife diseases
Host-Pathogen co-evolution
Conservation biology
Molecular ecology and evolutionary genetics
Theoretical ecology
Evolutionary Biology

Cancer Studies
Structure-led drug discovery
Studies of cell growth, motility and survival that are under pinned by leading edge fluorescence imaging facility.
State of the art proteomics/metabolomics and (epi) genetics/transcriptomics.
A strong human/mouse pathology programme
The analysis of complex genetic animal models including the development of sophisticated preclinical trials.

Health & Well being – Research groups to the institute include:

Epidemiology & Public health
Health economics & Health technology assessment
Mental Health & Wellbeing
General practice & Primary care
Robertson Centre for Biostatistics
Strathclyde centre for disability research
Interdisciplinary studies in the Health Social Sciences
The MRC/CSO Social & Public health sciences unit
Glasgow centre for population health
Neuroscience & Psychology

Molecular pharmacology and cell signalling systems
Mental diseases such as schizophrenia and depression
Sensory and motor networks
Spinal cord injury
Chronic pain
Sleep research
Stroke, including animal models, acute clinical studies, neuroimaging and regenerative therapies.
Clinical neuropsychology
Cognitive neuroimaging
Models of cortical information processing of cognitive functions
Brain-computer interactions
Social interactions

Research centres

Centre for translation research in Neuroscience & clinical psychology
Centre for stroke and brain imaging research
Centre for molecular pharmacology
Centre for inter-disciplinary study of social interactions

Centre for cognitive neuroimaging

Science and Engineering – Digital Economy – Multidisciplinary themes

Digital economy
Healthcare technology
Sensors and intelligent imaging
Sustainable high value manufacturing
Underpinning capabilities

Geographical & Earth Sciences

Earth-life interactions
Surface and shallow crustal processes
Extra-terrestrial and mantle materials
Earth technology

Interdisciplinary Studies

Carbon Management, renewable energy and climate change.
Environmental sustainability and land management.
Tourism and Heritage
Hospice, Palliative and end of life care
Public health, wellbeing and aging
Community studies
Eco-criticism and ecopoetics
History and sociology of science and technology
Political philosophy
Science and technology studies
Scottish history and Scottish studies
Scottish literature
Folklore and ethnology
Wild land fire management
Educational studies

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